Subject: HELPER: CacheBGone II Author: John Reynolds ( Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 9/25/1996 File: CacheBGone_II.sit (16772 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 776 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC Needs: Any of: Netscape; Internet Explorer; Eudora NEEDS: Applescript TYPE: Freeware Applescript LIBRARY: IC/Helper Apps --------------------------- Author's description: CacheBGone_II is a small, freeware applescript written for the express purpose of automatically getting rid of the following items: 1) Netscape "Cache" folder, "Global History" and "MagicCookie" files. 2) Microsoft Explorer "Cache" folder, "History.html" file. 3) Eudora "Eudora Log" file. There are four different versions included, each providing a different level of user interface and design. There are also links and information concerning the MagicCookie issue. This is the second version, to replace "CacheBGone!" originally posted last year. There is much more documentation inside - pick it up (it's a small download) and enjoy. Requirements: System 7.5 or later, or 7.1 with a scriptable finder and AppleScript installed. ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection File Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. JHC